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5491 N. Highway 67, Florissant, MO 63034

 p. 314.653.2300  f. 314.653.2400

The Lindbergh sanctuary accommodates 1,700 parishioners. There are 12 classrooms. Located at this facility is a full day Child Development Center and Preschool. Also, an Administrative office which is open Monday - Thursday, from the hours of 9:00a to 5:00p and Sundays 7:30a -3:30p


Lindbergh Campus Weekley Schedule

Sunday Worships: 7:30a & 9:45a

Mondays:  6p Workout with Nessa

Tuesdays: 6p - 7p Church In Prayer

Wednesdays: 7p Wisdom Wednesday 


Directions to Lindbergh Campus

Lindbergh Campus:

5491 N. Highway 67

Florissant, MO 63034

From Downtown:
I-70 West to I-170 North
Take I-170 North to I-270 East 
Take I-270 East to 367 North (Alton)
Take Lindbergh Exit and make left turn
Pass Jamestown Mall on left then Fire Station on right.
Next to fire station is Waldbert Nursery
Shalom Church is next driveway on right 
From Airport:
I-70 East to I-170 North
Take I-170 North to I-270 East 
Take I-270 East to 367 North (Alton)
Take Lindbergh Exit and make left turn
Pass Jamestown Mall on left then Fire Station on right.
Next to fire station is Waldbert Nursery
Shalom Church is next driveway on right