Event Calendar

<< February 2025 >>
Event Description
Click on an event for more details.

Fine Motor Skill Development

Age Group: 2 - 5

Text: Proverbs 22:6

The development of fine motor skills is essential to a child’s ability to carry out functions like zipping, buttoning, coloring and writing. Research suggests that lack of appropriate activities and/or the forming of bad habits can greatly hinder fine motor skill development. Class participants will be exposed to a series of Bible-based art & craft activities that develop fine motor skills. 

Christian Character Education
Age group: 6 – 12

Bible Foundation: I Corinthians 13:4 – 8 & v. 13; Luke 6:43-45; Galatians 5:22-23
Violence in school, academic dishonesty, disrespect for authority – all these can be traced back to a lack of Christian character traits among today’s youth. Christian character can be defined, quite simply as the character of Christ. Using Bible stories that reveal Christ’s character, students will be exposed to a foundational understanding of Christ’s character and the ways they can practice His character. 

Youth In Training Room Assignments

Grace Babies  (Ages 2-5) Rooms 101 & 102
Babies In Christ (Ages 6-8) Room 103
King's Kids (Ages 9-12) Room 104

*All Berkeley Campus Classes are located in the lower level.

Ways To Get Involved

Volunteer as a teacher's assistant during our 7:30a, 9:45a or 12:00p worship services on Sunday
  • All volunteers must complete a childcare service background screening application. Forms are available at http://health.mo.gov/safety/fcsr/
  • Persons interested in volunteering in Youth In Training can contact Min. Preston Williams at 314.653.2316